

Life science students have the worst graduate outcomes.

We were guaranteed that we were preparing for the jobs of the future.

We were promised that things would be better if we got those extra degrees.

Too many of us can’t find work when we graduate.

we need to change THINGS

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Changing things.

One of the reasons I started ClearSKY was because of the graduate outcomes for life science students. It breaks my heart to see brilliant, passionate scientists struggle to have their skills recognised by the outside world.

We've worked to put together a structured internship programme to give life-science students from UQ the opportunity to get hands-on experience in the mar-coms / sci-comms space and develop a portfolio of their work that can be used to seek employment outside of research.

There may be scope to do a project in the analytics / bioinformatics / machine learning space or with graphic design - but we will need to work through any additional concept together

The internship is unpaid, but it has been carefully designed to give the specific types of experience required by employers.

If you’d like to learn more, please click the button below to email me your CV and a short introductory letter.